Friday, July 31, 2009


Because taking care of cats and turtles is not enough, the psychology department has also started taking care of two ducks...

With all the adopted animals, the courtyard is getting to be quite crowded.

The Fantastic Mr. Fox

What's with all the crazy looking adaptations of children's books these days?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Head, Reconstructed

Here are some images of a facial reconstruction of my face as rendered by our new scanner.

The weird bumps and things are caused mostly by my hair, sweat, and some artifacts in the scanning process. I think I look like I've been attacked by Wampas or something. At the very least, this is what my head might look like if it was carved out of wood... by someone who wasn't very good at woodcarving.

William Shatner reads Sarah Palin

To be fair, the speech does work a lot better as beat poetry.


Two more of my labmates have defended their dissertations and are currently completing their final revisions. By this time next month I'll be the only one using my labspace...

Alice in Wonderland

I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing, but this looks absolutely horrifying.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Somewhere between Garlic Bread and Bruschetta

This is what happens when I am left alone with fresh ingredients and nothing better to do.

I love having friends with farm shares. Also, the best thing about Long Island is undoubtedly the Pork Store down the street from me. Their mozzarella is good, but their sausage is unbelievable.

EDIT: Here are the ingredients.
1. Fresh Organic Scallions
2. Fresh Organic Garlic
3. Fresh Homemade Mozzarella
4. Butter/Olive Oil mixture
5. Italian Seasoning
6. Red Pepper Flakes
7. Italian Bread

Sunday, July 26, 2009


So this about sums it up. Those textbooks probably see more use than anything else I own. The top one... well that's new.

As I've mentioned, Final Crisis is the most ridiculous, over the top, comic booky thing ever. And the hardcover takes it up another notch. Seriously, it's awesome.